Ohio - Considerations for Marijuana in the Workplace

Marijuana Law:

Marijuana Law:

Employer Concerns – Significant to Review

  • The law permits an employer to establish and enforce a drug testing policy, drug-free workplace policy, or zero-tolerance drug policy.
  • The law does not require an employer to accommodate use, possession or distribution of medical or recreational marijuana.
  • There is a voluntary drug testing law (including testing for marijuana) and employers who choose to comply with it qualify for workers’ compensation premium discounts/rebates.
  • Ohio has a voluntary workers’ compensation law with its own drug testing requirements including testing for marijuana. Although not required to, employers who comply have greater latitude in denying workers’ compensation claims.
  • Contractors working on publicly funded state projects must operate a drug-free workplace including drug testing for marijuana.


  • The use of recreational marijuana in legal in Ohio but this does not prevent an employer from  from establishing and enforcing a drug testing policy, drug-free workplace policy, drug testing or zero-tolerance drug policy.
  • An employer can legally operate a drug-free workplace program including testing for marijuana even if an employee is authorized to use medical marijuana.
  • Ohio outlines testing details in their voluntary Drug-Free Safety Program.


  • An employer is permitted to refuse to hire, discipline, terminate an employee for marijuana use. 


  • An employer is permitted to refuse to hire, discipline, terminate an employee for marijuana use.


  • Medical and recreational use of marijuana both legal Ohio, but the law does not require an employer to accommodate, most employer policies will prohibit use of any marijuana in the workplace.
  • No operating a vehicle or other named transports while under the influence.
    • DUI limit for marijuana is 35 nanograms of marijuana metabolites per ml of urine, or 50 nanograms per ml of blood

Other Impacting Laws

(e.g., drug testing, workers’ compensation, unemployment)
  • There is a voluntary drug testing law (including testing for marijuana) and employers who choose to comply with it qualify for workers’ compensation premium discounts/rebates.
  • Ohio has a voluntary workers’ compensation law with its own drug testing requirements including testing for marijuana. Although not required to, employers who comply have greater latitude in denying workers’ compensation claims.
  • Contractors working on publicly funded state projects must operate a drug-free workplace including drug testing for marijuana.
  • Apply the Checklist of Impacting Issues to Research provided by NDS for additional state laws and issues that can relate to and/or impact your operations regarding employee use of marijuana.


(e.g., Bill Number, Authority)

This resource is designed to provide accurate information regarding the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that those involved in the resource are not engaged in rendering legal counsel. If legal advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.


Where there are quotation marks, the language is directly from published law. This information is only a summary of some issues and it will benefit the reader to review the information in context (go to the law) and in relation to other laws (e.g. workers compensation, unemployment law).

Drug Testing in Ohio

Testing locations are available in all areas. For immediate service for employers or individuals call 866-843-4545 or Order Now.

Drug Testing Laws for Ohio

No two states have same the same drug testing State Laws – Check out state laws for Drug Testing.