Finding a Substance Abuse Professional for your DOT Violation

Have you been removed from safety-sensitive duties? Did you recently test positive on a Department of Transportation (DOT) drug or alcohol test? Have you refused a DOT drug or alcohol test? Then you will need to find a DOT qualified Substance Abuse Professional or “SAP” to help you get back to work!

In this article we will cover:

“If you have been removed from safety-sensitive duties… you must find a DOT qualified SAP before you can return to work.”
National Drug Screening Back To Work Substance Abuse

If you have been removed from safety-sensitive duties by the DOT because of drug or alcohol compliance issues, you must find a DOT qualified SAP before you can return to work. There are many substance abuse professionals available through that can help you with your DOT violation. We make sure that every substance abuse professional we work with have the right credentials and handle each case according to DOT compliance regulations.

To return to duty or “RTD” you must find a qualified SAP to help you through the three-step process. A dedicated SAP will support you and help you return to safety-sensitive work.

3 Step DOT Substance Abuse Professional RTD Process:

All DOT regulated employees or candidates who work in a safety-sensitive role must take part in the RTD SAP process if they have violated DOT drug and alcohol testing regulations. Completing the SAP process is mandatory and must still be completed even if you have been fired by your employer. You are not able to return to work until you have completed your SAP recommended process in full.

Step 1: Your SAP will conduct your initial face-to-face evaluation in a private clinical setting to determine your treatment plan

Step 2: You must complete your SAP’s treatment plan and/or recommendations to return to safety-sensitive work

Step 3: Your SAP and you will have a follow-up evaluation to see if you are ready to perform safety-sensitive duties and to complete your Designated Employee Representative or “DER” paperwork

National Drug Screening Back To Work Substance Abuse

Each SAP return to duty process is tailored to the individual. Therefore, the time it will take you to complete your SAP RTD process will need to be discussed directly with your assigned Substance Abuse Provider. All SAP’s are required to make care recommendations per CFR 49 Part 40 Subpart O and no one is allowed to change or deviate from your SAP’s recommendations for care.

“Each SAP return to duty process is tailored to the individual.”
After you complete the 3-step SAP process, you must also test negative on a RTD drug/alcohol screening before you are eligible to return to safety-sensitive duties. You are also subject to impromptu drug or alcohol testing for up to 5 years after your RTD clearance as determined by your SAP return to duty plan provided to your employer.

Finding a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Resources:

For DOT drug testing, consortium enrollment, policies and more visit: NDS DOT Drug Testing.
Finding a Substance Abuse Professional Return To Duty
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