Latest Statistics on Drug Use in the United States

…Results from the 2014 SAMHSA National Survey on Drug Use and Health

Latest Statistics on Drug Use in the United States

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an operating division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is charged with reducing the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.  Each year, SAMHSA publishes This survey is the primary source of statistical information on the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco by the civilian, noninstitutionalized population of the United States aged 12 years old or older.

  • 27 million people aged 12 or older used an illicit drug in the past 30 days (10.2 % of Americans); this is an increase from 2012 and 2013
  • 1 in 10 individuals aged 12 or older in the United States used illicit drugs in the past month
  • 22.2 million people used marijuana
  • About 435,000 people aged 12 or older were current heroin users in 2014
  • 21.5 million people aged 12 or older in 2014 had a substance use disorder (SUD) in the past year
  • 17 million current illicit drug users over 18 are employed
  • 6.5 % of the population are employed drug users over 18
  • $600 billion each year – cost of the impact of substance use alone
  • 139.7 million current alcohol users aged 12 or older in 2014
  • 60.9 million reported binge alcohol use in the past month, and 16.3 million reported heavy alcohol use in the past month

The question is where are the 17 million current illicit drug users working?


Latest Statistics on Drug Use in the United States
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