Captains License or Merchant Mariner Documents

– Captains License or Merchant Mariner Documents Required Periodic Drug Test .. Coast Guard Required Drug Testing – Captains License or Merchant Mariner Documents

Often referred to as Periodic Drug Testing, this category of drug testing is focused on the requirements of the National Maritime Center (NMC) for the issuance of licenses and merchant mariner documents.  Upon completion of the drug test performed at a SAMHSA certified laboratory and reviewed by a medical review officer, the mariner must have the CG-719P DOT/USCG Periodic Drug Testing Form completed and provided for issuance of the requested license.

National Drug Screening has facilities available across the United States for the required periodic Coast Guard Drug Testing and issuance of the form CG-719P.

The Coast Guard Periodic Drug Test is required when any of the following occur:

(1) An original issuance of a license, COR, MMD, or MMC;

(2) The first issuance, raise of grade, or renewal of an officer endorsement on a merchant mariner credential;

(3) A raise of grade of a license or COR;

(4) The first endorsement as an able seaman, lifeboatman, qualified member of the engine department, or tankerman; or

(5) A reissuance of a credential with a new expiration date.

The National Drug Screening Medical Review Office (MRO) will review results, and return your signed-off CG-719P form along with test results.  Our customer service representatives will walk you through the entire process.  The Coast Guard requires all marine employees to test for dangerous drugs; cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), marijuana and amphetamines. Periodic tests are the responsibility of the individual mariner, not the marine employer, for matters involving licenses, CORs, MMD. Drug test results must be submitted to the Coast Guard Regional Exam Center at the time of the license, COR, or MMD transaction.

Periodic drug screens are used solely for the mariner who is seeking or renewing their license. This type of test is only good within 6 months of the test date. A periodic drug test through National Drug Screening will be compliant with 46 CFR 16.220 and is sufficient for licensing purposes.

Call now 866-843-4545 for your Coast Guard required drug test and issuance of form CG-719P.

Captains License or Merchant Mariner Documents
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