Drug testing of applicants and employees by hospitals and other medical related businesses is standard practice. This includes physicians groups, nursing schools, visiting nurse agencies, medical staffing agencies, nursing homes, long term care facilities, pharmacies, animal hospitals and veterinarian clinics. What you will typically find in the health care industry is an expanded panel of drugs to be tested, these are listed below.
Medical professionals have access to a number of prescription drugs. These professionals must make critical decisions about our health and well-being, and there’s little doubt that those decisions are best made while free from the influence of alcohol, illegal and prescription drugs.

At National Drug Screening we caution healthcare employers to not conduct the drug testing in house using in house collectors and in house laboratories. This can be looked at as a conflict of interest and a breach of confidentiality. Generally drug testing information is not covered under HIPPA. There is an exception; if a health care facility performs its own drug testing or specimen collection, using its own medical personnel and its own or affiliated collection and lab facilities; any information obtained during that process may be considered protected health information (PHI) under HIPAA.
So the use of a third party administrator (TPA) for healthcare professional is highly recommended. The health care employer can significantly reduce exposure to huge liability by moving the applicant and employee drug testing program to an unaffiliated lab and collection site, thereby eliminating the risk of treating health care records as employee health records and/or vice versa. This can be accomplished by using a TPA – an expert in drug testing.
The healthcare professional panels offered by National Drug Screening include a variety of expanded drugs for testing. We work with our partner laboratories Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp and Alere Toxicology to match the Healthcare Professional Panel (HPP) or Medical Professional Panels (MedPro) drug testing panels required by the employer.
HPP & MedPro Panels Include:
All of our Healthcare Professional Panel (HPP) or Medical Professional Panels (MedPro) include the drugs listed below.
- Amphetamines
- Cocaine
- Marijuana Metabolite (THC)
- Barbiturates
- Methadone
- Propoxyphene
- Opiates (Codeine, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Morphine, Oxycodone and Oxymorphone)
- Benzodiazepines (Alprazolam Metabolite, Clonazepam Metabolite, Flurazepam Metabolite, Lorazepam, Midazolam Metabolite, Nordiazepam, Oxazepam, Temazepam and Triazolam Metabolite)
- Fentanyl, Meperidine, Tramadol
Additional Panels
Additional panels will include the above drugs and the substances listed below:
- HPP-I A 29856N: Urine Alcohol
- HPP-II 39272N: Narcotics: Buprenorphine and/or metabolite, Butorphanol Metabolite, Dihydrocodeine, Nalbuphine, Pentazocine Other Drugs: Flunitrazepam Metabolite, Ketamine Metabolite, Meprobamate, Zolpidem
- HPP-II A 28537N: Narcotics: Buprenorphine and/or metabolite, Butorphanol Metabolite, Dihydrocodeine, Nalbuphine, Pentazocine; Other Drugs: Flunitrazepam Metabolite, Ketamine Metabolite, Meprobamate, Zolpidem; Plus Urine Alcohol
- HPP-III 39273N: Narcotics: Buprenorphine and/or metabolite, Butorphanol Metabolite, Dihydrocodeine, Nalbuphine, Pentazocine, Naltrexone Metabolite Other Drugs: Flunitrazepam Metabolite, Ketamine Metabolite, Meprobamate, Zolpidem, Dextromethorphan (>10,000 ng/mL)
- HPP-IV 39274N: Antidepressants: Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Fluoxetine, Sertraline Antihistamines: Chlorpheniramine, Diphenhydramine, Doxylamine Stimulants: Diethylpropion, Ephedrine, Fenfluramine, MDA, MDMA, Methylphenidate, Nikethamide, Phendimetrazine, Phenmetrazine, Phentermine, Phenylpropanolamine, Pseudoephedrine
- MethadoneHPP-V 39275N: Narcotics: Buprenorphine and/or metabolite, Butorphanol Metabolite, Dihydrocodeine, Nalbuphine, Pentazocine Other Drugs: Flunitrazepam Metabolite, Ketamine Metabolite, Meprobamate, Zolpidem Antidepressants, Antihistamines and Stimulants (See HPP-IV for full list.)
- HPP-V A 39293N: Narcotics: Buprenorphine and/or metabolite, Butorphanol Metabolite, Dihydrocodeine, Nalbuphine, Pentazocine Other Drugs: Flunitrazepam Metabolite, Ketamine Metabolite, Meprobamate, Zolpidem Antidepressants, Antihistamines and Stimulants (See HPP-IV for full list.) Plus Urine Alcohol
- HPP-VI 39276N: Narcotics: Buprenorphine and/or metabolite, Butorphanol Metabolite, Dihydrocodeine, Nalbuphine, Pentazocine, Naltrexone Metabolite Other Drugs: Flunitrazepam Metabolite, Ketamine Metabolite, Meprobamate, Zolpidem, Dextromethorphan (>10,000 ng/mL) Antidepressants, Antihistamines and Stimulants (See HPP-IV for full list.)

Call National Drug Screening for expert assistance with all Healthcare Professional Panel (HPP) or Medical Professional Panels (MedPro) drug testing panels. For peace of mind and to reduce your exposure to liability always deal with a professional drug testing vender with the expertise you need to keep you out of court.
Ph: 866-843-4545