DOT Urine Specimen Collector Training Correctable and Fatal Flaws

Correctable flaws:

  1. Collectors have the responsibility of trying to successfully complete a collection
  2. If you discover a problem, you must try to correct in writing by:
    1. Supplying missing information to Lab
    2. Supplying a statement for use of incorrect form or failure to sign or print name
    3. Submit and maintain documentation of correction with Collector Copy of CCF

Fatal Flaws:

  • Lab inspects each specimen & CCF
    • Specimen ID # on CCF & Specimen ID # on bottle seals do not match
    • Bottle seal is missing, broken, or shows signs of tampering
    • Collector’s name and signature omitted
    • Insufficient urine (less than 45ml)
  • If found – the testing process stops
  • Report – Rejected for testing (reason)
  • Error Correction Training required

More on DOT urine specimen collector fatal and correctible flaws:


If a laboratory discovers a “correctable flaw” during the processing of incoming specimens, the laboratory will attempt to correct the flaw. If the laboratory is unsuccessful it will report the specimen as “Rejected for Testing.” As a collector, you will receive a Memorandum for Record or an Affidavit from the lab for you to sign off on the correctable flaw. Complete this Memorandum for Record or an Affidavit from the lab immediately, if the lab does not receive it back within five business days; the test will be canceled and reported as “Rejected for Testing.”

The following are correctable flaws:

  1. Donor refuses to sign and no remarks indicating this
  2. The wrong form used – (i.e. post-accident test no other form available)
  3. Collector’s signature or printed name omitted
  4. Specimen temperature not checked & no remarks


The following errors or omissions are considered “fatal flaws” according to the Department of Transportation. These errors or omissions will result in a rejection of a specimen or a cancelled test.

  1. The collector’s printed name and signature are omitted from the custody and control form.
  2. The specimen identification numbers on the bottle and the CCF do not match.
  3. The specimen bottle seal is missing, broken or shows evidence of tampering.
  4. An insufficient quantity of specimen (less then 45ml) is received at the lab.

When the laboratory discovers a “fatal flaw” during its processing of incoming specimens the laboratory will report that the specimen has been “Rejected for Testing” (with the reason stated). The MRO must always cancel such a test.


When a collector makes a mistake that causes a drug or alcohol test to be canceled, he or she must complete Error Correction Training within 30 days of being notified of the error. The Error Correction Training is only required to cover the subject matter relating to the error that caused the test to be canceled but must include a proficiency demonstration. The required demonstration must include one uneventful scenario and two scenarios related to the area or areas in which the error occurred.

DOT Urine Specimen Collector Training Correctable and Fatal Flaws
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