DER Training – Training for the Designated Employer Representative

Training for the DER available, online, on demand and on your own schedule.  Make sure the company is in compliance, train your Designated Employer Representative’s (DER’s)

DER Online Training  

  • Is your company regulated by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT)?
  • Are you required to have a DOT drug & alcohol testing program?
  • Is your DOT drug & alcohol testing program in compliance with DOT regulations?
  • Are you prepared for an audit on your DOT drug & alcohol testing program?


If YES – you are required to have on your management team a DER – a Designated Employer Representative.  Have you received DER training?


Designated Employer Representative (DER) Training 

This training course provides a DER with a thorough education of his or her duties as outlined in the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations for drug and alcohol testing (49 CFR Part 40). The course also includes a comprehensive dictionary of testing terminology, specific modal regulations and their procedures for workplace testing programs.

 Course Features:

•   Interactive Content

•   DOT Requirements & Regulations

•   Procedures for Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs

•   Transportation Mode Regulation Information

•   Section Quizzes & Final Exam

•   Certificate of Completion

(All training is based on a licensing system—one license entitles one person to take the course and receive a Certificate of Completion).

DER Online Training 

The DER remains responsible for compliance with all applicable requirements of the DOT drug and alcohol testing regulations, even when you use a service agent.

  • 49 CFR Part 40 Requires a trained Designated Employer Representative (DER)

All computer based online training programs available at: MYDRUGTESTTRAINING.COM

Quarter Webinar DER Trainings

Looking for a live DER training webinar, these are held quarterly. Get more information and register.

DER Training FMCSA
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